Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sleepaway Camp 2 and 3 coming to Blu-ray from 88 Films

88 Films releasing two Sleepaway Camp sequels

Sleepaway Camp II Blu-ray cover

Back in the heyday of horror franchises, one little slasher classic changed the gore-game entirely - 1988's body count bonanza "Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers."

Long before Wes Craven's masterful" Scream" (1996) turned the slice and dice trend on its head with its sense of pastiche and postmodern references, "Sleepaway Camp II" was nodding its noggin towards everything from "A Nightmare on Elm Street" to "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" with genre in-jokes galore. In this suitably satirical sequel to 1983's gender-bending original flick, the great Pamela Springsteen (sister of Bruce!) headlines as the puritanical Angela Johnson, returning to murderous form as a summer camp counselor who can't wait to drill, drown and destroy an entire backwoods full of frisky teenagers and stuffy colleagues. With some winning eighties mullets, a likable final girl in the beautiful Renée Estevez ("Intruder") and guts-to-the-ground gruesome special effects, "Sleepaway Camp II" is one of the finest fear follow-ups of all time! Finally released in all of its HD horror, 88 Films is proud to present one of the defining VHS hits of its era.

Extras and details to be confirmed.
(Coming Early 2016)

Sleepaway Camp III Blu-ray cover

The death and destruction continues in 1989's darkly comedic, and thoroughly demented, sequel "Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland."

Once again returning as the riotous Angela Johnson, star Pamela Springsteen just cannot seem to keep away from summer camp carnage - this time going undercover as a teen-refugee seeking some solace and understanding from a pleasant old backwoods retreat. Alas, when she only finds sexed up teens and party-happy adults, her sense of virginal duty is called into action and she begins tidying up the trash. Using everything from a lawnmower to a firecracker to a gun, our wise-cracking anti-heroine soon loses count of the corpses - although a final homage to "The Most Dangerous Game" gives her last survivors a sporting shot at making it out of the woods alive. Released at the tail-end of the slice and dice terror-trope movement, and co-starring the great Michael J Pollard ("House of 1000 Corpses"), "Sleepaway Camp III" is pure eighties mayhem - and one of the most malevolent macabre movies ever unleashed!

Finally carving its way back to UK shelves, this is the HD horror sequel you have all been waiting for!

Extras and details TBC
(Coming Early 2016)