Sunday, March 27, 2016

Asmodexia (2014) - DVD Review - Sharp Teeth Films

"All Hell Is About To Break Lose!"

Asmodexia DVD cover

Eloy de Palma is an exorcist pastor roaming the darkest corners of the country with his granddaughter Alba. Their mission is to help those possessed by The Evil One, an infection of the soul that is spreading fast. Each exorcism is tougher than the one before, and every battle reveals a piece of Alba’s forgotten past – an enigma that if unconcealed could change the world as we know it.

Asmodexia DVD screen capture

Ah, the Exorcism sub-genre of Horror, this day and age everyone and his second cousin has been possessed in a horror movie, there seems to be a new one every week. Before you know it, Tina who lives down the street with her Yorkshire Terrier and pet pussy will be exorcised in another straight to video exorcism movie.

This one however contains a totally new and interesting twist on the whole exorcism genre. This isn't your average 'pick up a shaky cam while some actress screams and contorts in ways that would make Brazzer's hire her', this is alot more intelligent and sharp than you may originally give it credit for.

Asmodexia DVD screen capture

Written and Directed by Marc Carreté this Spanish exorcism shocker is more than your average. There is the odd cliche here and there, the classics if you will, green puke fans will be pleased to know that it makes a cameo appearance, but overall it comes across fresh and original. The movie has a dark broody feel to a lot of it's shots and is expertly filmed and presented, there is some absolutely beautiful and stunning gothic camera work and sets at play here. Do not go into this movie expecting jump scares every 5 minutes and a massive body count as you will be disappointed, this movie is too intelligent and clever to have those kind of gimmicks. It's a dark and creepy exorcism movie with quite a few twists and turns here and there that keep you gripped.

Asmodexia DVD screen capture

All in all this is a good movie, a battle of good and evil with beautiful cinematography and expert direction, great acting performances and more twists and turns than a multipack of Twizzlers. I recommend this for all horror fans who like a bit of intelligence with their scares.

Asmodexia DVD screen capture

Sharp Teeth Films have brought Asmodexia to the UK DVD market in a bare-bones release, however the movie stands well on it's own as it is. The movie is in it's original Spanish with external English subtitles that are selectable from the main menu. The picture quality is very good, there is a slight touch of banding here and there but I am guessing this is down to the original source material that the DVD was authored from, it's not distracting or too noticeable tho. It's a nice clean and sharp print and the audio is clear and packs a punch when it needs to. Give it a try, it's definitely worth a look.

Video: 3/5
Audio: 4/5