Saturday, January 23, 2016

From the Director of 'Pernicious' Comes 'White Crack Bastard' Which Hits DVD on Feb. 20th

White Crack Bastard can’t be stopped; three years on, wide release set via Brinkvision

White Crack Bastard DVD cover

Three years after completion, director James Cullen Bressack’s controversial ode to excess, "White Crack Bastard" is acquired by BrinkVision and is scheduled for a DVD release on February 20, 2016.
"Wolf of Wall Street" meets "Bad Lieutenant" in the confronting true story of a privileged white man that uses the ghetto, sex addiction, and crack cocaine to live up to his full potential and have the life he’s always dreamed of.
Rhett Benz in White Crack Bastard

From acclaimed filmmaker James Cullen Bressack, director of Pernicious and Bethany, and writer Lisa Vachon comes a sweltering hot button release starring Rhett Benz, Taja V.Simpson (The Young & The Restless), Edmond Chapple and Walter Mendoza.

White Crack Bastard is a confronting, drug-fueled rollercoaster ride of bite and buzz that doesn’t shy away from truths – explaining its delay to the screen.

Luke Anderson, Early 40s, the picture of success, white, privileged, and handsome, uses crack and sex as a means to punish himself to overcome the problem he’s had his whole life; not feeling worthy enough to know he deserves to live a happy life and to be comfortable in his own skin. 

Rhett Benz in White Crack Bastard

Most people use drugs to ease pain. Luke uses drugs to create pain by using it as his therapy; a therapy long overdue from years of struggling with abandonment issues. Issues that were created by the death of Luke’s father when he was a young boy. 

With each binge, Luke’s therapy effectively erases old pain and provides a missing link to the puzzle. With each sexual encounter, a new reality of dealing with intimacy enlightens him. Through this unorthodox therapy, he struggles to become the man he’s always wanted to be and to lead the life he’s always dreamed of. He just has to go through hell to get there. Being an attractive, educated, and privileged white man in the hood doing crack, isn’t exactly society’s picture of drug addiction. Try being in Luke’s shoes, he’s known as WHITE CRACK BASTARD…

Follow director James Cullen Bressack on Facebook and Twitter.