Sunday, November 29, 2015

News Update: 'Sherlock Holmes vs Frankenstein' Starts Filming

Two icons clash in this gothic mystery

Sherlock Holmes vs Frankenstein poster

Here's an update on "Sherlock Holmes vs. Frankenstein" which we previously reported on here.

Following this summer's crowdfunding on Indiegogo, Sherlock Holmes vs Frankenstein has started filming this month. Directed by French filmmaker Gautier Cazenave, the movie follows Holmes and Watson as they investigate a strange case of body snatching in 1898 Germany.

Principal photography is expected in 2016.
The novelization by David Whitehead is now available from Amazon via the link below.

Writer-director: Gautier Cazenave
Cast: Shane Briant (Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell), Clement von Franckenstein (Hail Caesar), Eric Godon (In Bruges), John Lebar (Sherlock, Prometheus), Angèle Vivier

According to the films indiegogo page:

"117% of the initial goal has been reached during phase 1 of the campaign, which allowed us to film the first scenes of the movie. But the project still needs a lot of funds, which is why this page will keep taking donations until the film is finished! The stretch goal is now 40,000€ before December 31st, 2015. With this extra money, we will be filming scenes with Shane Briant in January 2016. NEW PERKS TO BE ADDED IN THE LAST WEEK OF NOVEMBER."


Marteau Films Production

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