Friday, October 9, 2015

Underneath: An Anthology of Terror - News on Upcoming Horror Film

Five Tales of Terror Are Coming Your Way

Underneath poster

Written & Directed by John Nicol for Thinking Chrome Productions.

UNDERNEATH is a collaborative piece featuring five emerging directors, creating five distinctly different cinematic pieces all bound together by common themes of madness and ancient cruelty – think V/H/S meets CREEPSHOW with a supernatural flare.

The five shorts are directed by Andre Becker (THE LATE MOVIE: PUSSYFOOT), John Nicol (CHANNEL ZERO), Geoffrey Norris (PRESENCE), Chris Alexander (BLOOD FOR IRINA, QUEEN OF BLOOD, FEMALE WEREWOLF & the upcoming BLACK GLOVE KILLER starring Ogre from Skinny Puppy and Peter Murphy from Bauhaus & The Hunger) and newcomer Cory Ivanchuk who is taking on a script written by John Nicol. All five tales are connected by a sinister wraparound tale called BREACH.

Underneath still

BREACH: Written & Directed by John Nicol

“An unstable individual is convinced that physical cracks in his basement floor are a possible breach into Hell itself...Additionally; he believes that he is in direct communication with demons and is quickly seduced by their influence. As he progressively becomes poisoned, he begins to exhibit physical deformities and is in a state of mental decline...The truth however, is even more sinister!”

Following are synopses for the five titles in the order they will unfold:

Episode #1: (UNA) Written by & Directed by Geoffrey Norris
Synopsis: “A young man who was born and raised in a remote rural setting believes that voices in the wilderness are calling for a return to an original state for humankind and he makes it his mission to force this dialogue upon those around him.”

Episode #2: (UNFIXED) Written & Directed by Chris Alexander
Synopsis: “A woman walks away from a shipwreck with no memory of who she is and no comprehension of where or when she is…”

Episode #3: (CURIOSITY & CONVERSATIONS) Written by John Nicol & Directed by Cory Ivanchuk
Synopsis: “An ancient demon is summoned by a group of paranormal psychology students as an experiment...little do they know, this Demon has plans of its own and wants to escape Hell no matter the cost...” 

Episode #4: (I CAN CHANGE) Written & Directed by Andre Becker
Synopsis: “A deranged young man is convinced he can transform into a demonic creature…”

Episode #5: (6 AM) Written & Directed by John Nicol
Synopsis: “A family man is running out of the prescription medication that keeps his otherworldly visions at bay. Day by day, visions of murder and demonic possession take hold as Daniel quickly succumbs…

We then end with the conclusion of BREACH.

Underneath still

Visit "Underneath" on the following websites for more information.